Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Having had the benefit of a few days of much needed R&R (I so love long weekends!), I've had some time to reflect on all my rantings about Steve Jobs, Mac products, and the guys who staff the Genius Bars.

Perhaps I was a bit harsh...too quick to judge....and just supremely frustrated by it all. Perhaps my last few postings were better suited for a "Dear Diary..." entry than a blog posting. So, to all of you out in the blogosphere reading today, please bear witness to my apologies.

I am sorry. (Mostly.)

And since, after apologizing, we make Lily say two nice things about whomever she's been mean to, here's my attempt...

1. Mac products...any and all...are WAY cool looking.

2. Steve Jobs pushed the envelope beyond where people thought it could be pushed and, as a result, helped revolutionize the electronics industry around the world. Even if Bloomberg did erroneously publish your obit, Mr. Jobs, and even though I'm still FUMING over my hard drive melt-down, I definitely don't wish you dead. YOU are the genius.

I wonder, though, if my criticism has come full circle.

While my thick, curly pregnancy locks did start falling out before I'd checked out of the hospital after Lily was born, I thought that I'd escaped that this time around. While I'll never have to worry about female baldness, I thought that I'd get lucky enough to keep the extra thick/quick growing hair that had taken over my head during my Anna pregnancy.

Until last week. Around the same time as my public musing about how much I hated Mac. My hair started falling out. In giant clumps.

Karma kickback sure is a bear!


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