Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A bit confused

Fall weather brings with it a certain level of excitement in our house. We get to partake in all the fun "fall festivals," evidence of which you've seen; we get to eat yummy apples, finally in season, and drink apple cider; and we get to prepare for Lily's favorite holiday, HALLOWEEN, by, well, decorating a gingerbread house. Merry Christmas Halloween?!?

When given the option this past weekend -- carve a pumpkin or paste candy on a cookie house -- she chose the latter. She just couldn't wait. She's been asking to do this for weeks already. Perhaps I should have put a few drops of orange food coloring in to the icing. Humm... I'll try to remember that one for next year's Halloween House (as if my mommy brain has that capacity...oh well, it's a good thought).

I'm sure that this'll be the first of many gingerbread houses constructed in ours over the course of the next few months. And hopefully we'll get those naked pumpkins that now adorn our front stoop carved before the 31st!


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