Amazingly enough, Anna is six months old today. Half a year. Holy cow! I know that it's incredibly cliché, but where did the time go? She started out life as a quiet little peanut. She's now loud and happy and likely dying to eat peanuts! (Sadly for her, and as lax as I have been this time around, I'm firmly sticking to my "no nuts for 3 years" policy.)

We've officially entered my FAVORITE stage of life. Between about 5 1/2 months, when their little personalities finally come to the surface, and about 8 months (hopefully not before!), when they start crawling, babies couldn't be more delicious. They sit, play, smile and laugh. They're not so delicate anymore, and they're not yet destroying your house. I seriously want to hit the pause button on the TiVo of life!

There have been so many firsts over the past month. Here are but a few...
- First time in a pool
- First time rolling from back to belly
- First time sitting up, unaided
- First ear infection
- First (and last) course of Amoxicillin
- First allergic reaction to Penicillin-like products
- First two teeth
- First solid food
- First religious experiences/First High Holy Days
- First flight! (we're heading Lexington, KY tonight)
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