There are others -- many others -- in the DC area that rival Cox's, but none are quite as good. Huge bonus that, while out enjoying the country air, gigantic slides made with hay bales, and (new this year!) CORNundrum, you can also get a slice of the heavenly Mom's Pies. Yes, one family owns all the greatness -- Cox AND Mom's!
Fall Festivals make for happy babies!

Lily got to hang with one of her BFFs; Hank and his family joined us for the fun this year!
Darrin, Hank, Noah & Lily FLEW down the giant slide (the secret is to go down the middle on the blue part, which is greased and extra fast)

Not sure if she liked flying down the chute alone...
..perhaps she'd had a premonition that a wipe-out was in her future!
Noah's attempt at face-painting. Or tiny baby torture. The pink should come with a warning that it's, essentially, permanent. Anna had a bright pink smile ghosted on her face for days.
So in spite of our ridiculously over-scheduled weekends this Fall, we were able to sneak in a trip to Cox not that long ago. And while the goats were somewhat of a disappointment this year (they normally attack you trying to get the grain-filled ice cream cone out of your hand) -- we practically had to force-feed them -- the hayride, fast slides, BBQ lunch and corn maze definitely didn't disappoint. Nor did the yummy kettle corn that we bought for the car ride home. Which we ate. And ate. But only after I doused us all in Purell. Not only were this year's goats' appetites a disappointment, but their level of cleanliness totally skeeved me out. Maybe I've been watching too many episodes of Jon & Kate Plus 8...

My attempt to catch a "holiday card candidate" photo. Lily was a most uncooperative participant.
Anna, on the other hand, couldn't be more thrilled to sit pretty and smile with the pumpkins!
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