Country roads, take me home,
to the place I belong,
West Virginia Kentucky, mountain mama,
Country Roads, take me home...
to the place I belong,
Country Roads, take me home...
- John Denver
In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. In 2008, we flew the friendly skies to Kentucky to honor his voyage. And what a weekend we had in the Bluegrass State! Of course, the LATE NIGHT flight to Lexington, and the EARLY MORNING (alarm went off yesterday at 4:45 a.m.!) flight home weren't the highlights of our trip. But the glorious 80 degree weather, fun friends, and fantastic family certainly were!!

Anna, with her "Hillary for President" cup, takes a tub in Lois Anne's kitchen sink

Anna in Lois Anne's INCREDIBLE garden

See for yourself -- it's a little oasis!
With all the wedding news of late, Anna wanted to see what the buzz is all about

Anna's first flight -- a happy traveler!
To top it all off, we had Anna's 6 month visit at the pediatrician's not long after we touched down at National Airport. Her stats were IDENTICAL to Lily's at the same age -- 19 pounds, on the nose, and 27 inches. She's the epitome of juicy!

Lily on Bandit -- this sure beat the pony rides at Cox Farms!

City girl meets farm girl

Collecting eggs with Rosilyn
What a haul!
Speckles, one of the hens who obliged us
Feeding the chickens to "thank" them for their eggs!
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