Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just say NO, Ben & Jerry!

Those who know me know that I'm definitely a proponent of breastfeeding. I nursed Lily for almost 10 months, and I plan to hang in for as long as possible this time around too. I have all the trendy nursing gear, I own not one but TWO breastpumps (thanks to the discovery of BPA in my Ameda Purely Yours I became the proud owner of a Medela Pump in Style Advanced), and I have spent more money than I care to calculate at the Breastfeeding Center in Washington, DC. Breastfeeding didn't come naturally to Lily or to me, but we stuck with it and I'm happy that we did. (That being said, I totally understand, though, if it just doesn't work out.)

However, I think that too much of a good thing is just, well, gross!

Have you heard the latest about PETA demanding that Ben & Jerry's stop using cow's milk and start using breast milk in the ice cream? Excuse me while I gag!!

Apparently a Swiss restaurant owner recently made waves when he replaced 75% of the cow's milk that he uses in recipes with human breast milk. That he's buying. From nursing mothers. Umm....I'd like to meet these nursing mothers and SHAKE THEM. And then implore them to share their milk producing secrets with me. How do they make enough milk for their babies AND a little fettuccine alfredo?!?

In a letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield (the infamous brain trust behind the scrumptious ice cream), PETA demanded that they start using human breast milk so that they would lessen the suffering of dairy cows and their babies. "Breast is best!" concluded PETA in their communication.

I mean, really?

Thankfully, the duo declined PETA's request citing that a mother's milk is best used for her child. Phew. After all, would you want to chow down on some "Mamma Garcia" or "Chunky Mommy" or "Bebe de Leche?" Count ME out!

Although, truth be told, when I had 160 ounces of defrosting breast milk on hand after a power failure back when Lily was a baby, the esteemed lactation consultant at the aforementioned Breastfeeding Center suggested that I use it to make pudding. No, I'm not making that up. I wouldn't lie to you. (I chose to just throw it away, as much as that pained me. And still pains me.)

While on the topic of breast milk, though, I'm sad to say that my stash has officially been depleted. Remember the nearly 400 ounces I had saved up before going back to work? It's finally gone. Tomorrow's bottles will contain the last of it. While I'm still nursing in the morning and at night, poor Anna will be singing the Similac blues starting on Thursday.


And now.

Chicken nugget anyone? It's all white meat!


Mommy's Time Out said...

you crack me up!!!

Anonymous said...

Ameda Purely Yours breast pump tubing and containers are BPA free and that's a relief.
Even I heard about using women breast milk in making Ice-creams. I ignored such news but, I don't believe that you are very excited to know more about them.

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