Posted by CFox at 6/30/2008 09:37:00 PM 0 comments
Since I really don't spend enough quality time with Lily these days, and since Lily can now regularly be overheard talking about "boobie milk," I thought that I should rope her in to helping me prepare my precious liquid gold (AKA breast milk) for freezing. I know that this kid is bound for motherhood -- hopefully LATER rather than sooner -- so she might as well realize what goes in to feeding a baby. Perhaps she'll appreciate me that much more for doing all this for her for ten long months. Nursing. Pumping. Freezing. Sterilizing...
Posted by CFox at 6/29/2008 05:05:00 PM 1 comments
My friend Amy, who is only two weeks post partum, brought her boys to meet Anna and me for lunch today. I was definitely still unshowered, dressed in PJs, and sterilizing everything in site when my girls were two weeks old; I'm hugely impressed that Amy got both of her kids out of the house, in the car, and to the restaurant ON TIME (I'm still running 10-15 minutes late for everything, 2 1/2 months later).
Amy and I met when Lily was about 7 weeks old and her older son, Andrew, was only about 2 weeks old. Like many of my special friends, Amy and I met in an unusual spot -- the "lactation lounge" at Fairfax Hospital (other spots include the bathroom in my sophomore dorm; baggage claim in the Sydney, Australia airport; through a Washington Post housing ad). It was love at first sight when we realized that we were the only two people there who were using a nipple shield (please don't make me explain it to those of you who haven't nursed a baby...too humiliating!). We became fast friends, often meeting for lunches or heading to the baby movies together.
Posted by CFox at 6/27/2008 10:59:00 PM 0 comments
Hello my name is Courtney, and I'm an addict. A supreme addict. Oh heck....I'm doomed.
A few days from now, Sunday to be exact, marks the first anniversary of my blog. Originally started to streamline the distribution of Lily's weekly school newsletters, this online medium has evolved over the past year in to something that I love. Something that I'm actually staying up at night to post to rather than going to bed (stupid, stupid considering I still have a newborn). It's something that you, my friends and family, have told me that you look forward to reading....and has contributed more than a few laughs. The Fox Israel family blog has also inspired several friends to, in recent weeks, create their own family blogs (rock on Amy and Ellen!!).
So, not only have I been trying to mentally draft my memorial posting on Sunday, but I've also been trying to figure out how I can continue to evolve the blog in its second year. Last June I started with baby steps....but now my baby is ready to graduate from the tot lot to the big kid playground.
Enter, stage right (or the right column of your screen), the TWITTER. Heard about this relatively new phenomenon? Following someone's "twits," "tweets," or senseless real-time ramblings?
If you haven't heard about twitter, please look it up on Wikipedia. I'm too technologically ignorant to actually explain it and make sense. But there's lots (and LOTS) that happen in our "lives with Lily and Anna," and not all of it is necessarily worthy of an entire blog posting...but it's completely relevant to our lives. Quite frankly, it's the little one-liners, quiet loving moments, looks out of the corner of their eyes, smiles and hugs that make our lives so rich. But even that wonderful richness isn't always blog material. I want to tell you stories, but I don't want to bore you with bizzaro and random details. And I want to catch things as they happen/before I forget, which isn't always (in fact, rarely is) when I'm near the computer and can jot down an entry.
I will now both praise and curse the creator of Twitter...someone nameless out there in the Internet who is allowing me to open the door just a bit wider as you follow our lives....and someone who now just turned my enthusiasm for blogging in to a full blown obsession.
Ladies and gentlemen, I can now blog from my phone. I can TEXT MESSAGE -- from the car, the grocery store, a public restroom -- "Tiny Treats" and post them on the blog.
I'm doomed. I'm SO totally screwed. I can already envision my new cell phone bills each month....not to mention my utilization once I return to work.
Oh well. I mean...it's all for you. Not for me. Because that would mean that I'm a total geek.
Enjoy the treats! And happy anniversary, a few days early, to Life with Lily and Anna. I just couldn't wait.
Posted by CFox at 6/25/2008 11:37:00 PM 0 comments
I don't know what it is, but three and four year old girls seem programmed to love princesses. They worship princesses. They firmly believe that they ARE princesses. Noah and I certainly haven't encouraged this princess addiction in Lily, although we haven't exactly discouraged it either (case in point, our trip to Disney World...yes, we're suckers).
One thing we love most about our visits to Vermont are the wonderful childhood friends that Noah has and with whom we're still in touch. All things considered, it's pretty amazing that, at age 37, Noah still regularly sees buddies from grade school. What's even more amazing is that they all have kids the same age!!
Posted by CFox at 6/23/2008 07:42:00 PM 0 comments
Ok, so only in the Green Mountain State would one ever see anything like this. But with gas prices being what they are today, perhaps these guys are really on to something!
Posted by CFox at 6/22/2008 09:08:00 AM 0 comments
Ah, we're home. We made it to Vermont and back. Roughly 550 miles each way. Add another 1,000 miles for each car attachment we had (the Thule carrier on the roof and the bike rack on the back). Then add another 10,000 miles for each child. And let's not forget dramatic rain/hail storms AND summer beach traffic. I feel like I've driven to the moon and back...paying, on average, $4.35 per gallon of gas that it took to get there. I think that there's a permanent "cheek" impression on the front passenger seat of Noah's car that perfectly matches my "seat." As much fun as vacations are, it's always nice to come home.
Posted by CFox at 6/21/2008 11:09:00 AM 0 comments
Noah, Lily, Anna and I are currently in Middlebury, VT introducing the newest member of our family to the VT crew.
The four of us ate lunch today at a little cafe in town. While there, Lily and I were talking about her latest dream (whether she really remembers them or not, she tells some pretty wild, nonsensical stories and attributes them to her dreams) when Noah came over to our table.
Unaware of the discussion, Noah started speaking.
Incensed, Lily looked up at him and barked, "Daddy, your WIFE was talking!"
No longer Mommy or even Mom, now I'm "The Wife."
Posted by CFox at 6/18/2008 04:56:00 PM 0 comments
Noah and Lily were having a serious conversation the other day about, of all things, soda. Lily, who was convinced that becoming a big sister would entitle her to drink Diet Coke and lattes, now quizzes us often about when this will be allowed.
Lily was relentless the other day. After being asked half a dozen times, Noah finally said she could drink Diet Coke "when you're a teenager."
"When I'm a tiny jerk?" Lily repeated, looking confused.
Ah, if only she knew how close she really was to the truth. At least in my case. No sooner had I blown out the 13th candle on my birthday cake then, poof, I had indeed turned in to a tiny jerk. Who didn't smile. Especially in important family photos. For a least a solid year.
Who knows, perhaps if we let her start drinking the coveted beverage before she becomes a teenager, maybe we'll avoid the "tiny jerk" years... One can only hope. And hope some more. But the current hands on hips and shaking of her finger at us while rolling her eyes probably is an indication that we're in for a wild ride ahead. Doesn't give me much hope, but it sure makes me laugh!
Posted by CFox at 6/17/2008 02:44:00 PM 0 comments
Lily dropped a bombshell on us a few days ago. She's getting married. Marrying Oliver to be exact. I had to bite the insides of my cheeks to not laugh when she told me that they're going to move to California after the wedding. And she's really going to miss us. I mean....WHERE does she come up with this stuff???
Posted by CFox at 6/11/2008 04:32:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by CFox at 6/10/2008 06:27:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by CFox at 6/08/2008 08:24:00 PM 0 comments
8 weeks ago, tomorrow, Anna was born. 8 weeks ago our family expanded from three to four. 8 weeks from tomorrow I, sigh, return to work (why does the time have to fly by so quickly?!?).
Posted by CFox at 6/04/2008 05:02:00 PM 0 comments
Some of my best childhood memories -- from summers spent splashing in their black bottom pool to my sweet sixteen garden party at their Old Town house -- involve David and Marianne Ginsburg.
Posted by CFox at 6/02/2008 06:42:00 PM 0 comments
It's been a busy week with visits from lots of friends and family!
Posted by CFox at 6/01/2008 11:52:00 PM 0 comments