I'll spare you the photos on this one, but it was a real doozey. I remember well from infant Lily days that breastfed babies don't, well, poop every day. Apparently breast milk is so well digested by babies that it doesn't create a bunch of waste. Days can go by without any messy diapers.
But then watch out. When the digestive track catches up, it makes up for lost time. Voila -- welcome to the blow out!
It did occur to me earlier today that I'd only changed wet diapers for at least 2 days. I knew I had it coming. Just didn't know when or where.
Thankfully Anna's intestines took pity on me and did the deed while we were at home. It was just as awful as I remember from Lily; like labor, apparently I'd blocked this out. Why diaper companies haven't caught on and created blow-out-proof diapers is a mystery to me. While Pampers sort of stop the leakage from around the legs, they do nothing around the waistband. And shoot up the front and back it did. Poor Anna was covered in liquid baby poop from her head to her toe. Wish I were joking. SO gross!
At least she smiled through the experience.
Me...well I wasn't exactly smiling. ;-)
And whoever said that infant poop doesn't smell hasn't met (or smelled) my Anna!
Two outfits and about three thousand wipes later, we both survived and lived to tell the tale.
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