It's been a busy week with visits from lots of friends and family!

Anna with my very tired brother, Uncle Alfie (aka Lowell). Full disclosure -- so this pic was taken weeks and weeks ago but somehow never got posted (Noah's sister was here visiting the baby a few weeks ago too and, I fear, we didn't take any pictures....SORRY SARA!)

It was so much fun introducing Baby Anna to our Cousin Anna who just returned from her JUNIOR (I remember when Cousin Anna was a tiny baby!!) year in college.

Cousins Gail, Anna and Lydia

Some of our favorite Lexington, KY people -- the Lamberts -- visited us on their Washington, DC trip. Lily couldn't have been more thrilled to see her big girl friend, Wrennie.

Lily and Wrennie washing off after swimming at the hotel pool.

Lily and Wrennie playing panda at the Zoo

Lily and Justin P. -- VERY dirty after lots of fun!
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