One thing we love most about our visits to Vermont are the wonderful childhood friends that Noah has and with whom we're still in touch. All things considered, it's pretty amazing that, at age 37, Noah still regularly sees buddies from grade school. What's even more amazing is that they all have kids the same age!!
Chris and Sara are a few years ahead of us in terms of family planning. Sam, almost 7, is a ridiculously good Guitar Hero player; Megan, just turned 4, fell in love with Anna and was the perfect playmate for Lily....they both speak "princess."

My one regret from our dinner with the Dalys is that Noah and I got a taste of the Wii. For those of you type-A personalities out there who have not yet tried your hand at Guitar Hero, DON'T. It's addicting. SUPER addicting. After watching Sam put us all to shame (this kid could give Jimi Hendrix a run for his money!), Noah stepped up to the plate and caught on without missing a beat. Me. Well, not so much. Knowing that my competitive streak is not far from the surface and always, always lurking, I tried to take a pass. I quickly fell prey to peer pressure though. And while my avatar got booed off the stage for too many mistakes, I got a taste of the game. Super fun! Since I'd never actually admit to wanting one, I may have to disguise myself and head to our local video game store to pick up a Wii.

Perhaps even more fun was seeing Lily and Megan in their "Girls Gone Wild -- Summer Vacation Edition" impersonation. Watching the two race around the living room, progressively getting more and more naked, I had awful visions of Cancun Spring Break in 2022. Lord help me! Lord help us all!!

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