I don't know what it is, but three and four year old girls seem programmed to love princesses. They worship princesses. They firmly believe that they ARE princesses. Noah and I certainly haven't encouraged this princess addiction in Lily, although we haven't exactly discouraged it either (case in point, our trip to Disney World...yes, we're suckers).

Princess Lily with Ballerina Megan
Lily hadn't seen twins Charlotte and Max since she was 14 months old, and she hadn't seen Megan since last August. But because all things princess seem to be both the least common denominator and a bonding agent, it took mere seconds before she ran off with her newly discovered Vermont friends with squeals of delight. I only hope that 10 years from now the kids are this excited to see each other...

Princesses Lily and Charlotte

Lily with Charlotte and Max
(every princess needs a Prince Charming!)
We also made an important discovery on the banks of Lake Champlain -- You can find a princess almost anywhere; sometimes all it takes it a bit of tulle and a wide-brimmed hat. Behold Princess au Natural.

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