Sunday, June 29, 2008

Spilt Milk

Since I really don't spend enough quality time with Lily these days, and since Lily can now regularly be overheard talking about "boobie milk," I thought that I should rope her in to helping me prepare my precious liquid gold (AKA breast milk) for freezing.  I know that this kid is bound for motherhood -- hopefully LATER rather than sooner -- so she might as well realize what goes in to feeding a baby.  Perhaps she'll appreciate me that much more for doing all this for her for ten long months.  Nursing.  Pumping.  Freezing.  Sterilizing...  

I had 3 days worth of pumped milk in the fridge, and Lily did an outstanding job of portioning it out in 4 ounce increments....pouring those in to freezer bags...and squeezing the air out before sealing it tight.

We had so much fun together that I guess we didn't notice the 9 sealed and labeled bags, sitting on the counter, until we got home seven hours after our little milk maid experience.  I can't remember if the phone rang or if we were just in a hurry to leave, but those precious little bags never made it from counter to freezer.  

Now I don't know what the La Leche folks would say, and perhaps they would encourage me to make pudding out of the milk (as did a lactation consultant when I had 160 ounces of quickly defrosting breast milk during a power outage when Lily was still tiny), but I'm just not going to risk feeding Anna some potentially spoiled milk.  Even though I'd rather stick a knife in my side than throw out 36 ounces of my precious milk, in to the trash it all just went.

So I'm now in mourning.  I want to go eat something incredibly caloric and then go curl up in bed...  

Instead, I'm going to go drink another gallon of water so that I can, once again, become engorged...attach myself to my pump...and then turn on the TV to something nice and mind numbing and pretend like I'm not actually getting milked.

Ah, all for the love of our children.

But I do believe that Baskin Robbins is in my future tonight.  Because, of course, when I replace those 36 ounces of milk I'd like for them to be nice a creamy...with a hint of mint chocolate chip!


Anonymous said...

Awwww, sweetie! That sucks!!!! Did you do a taste test before chucking it? I have read that breastmilk will keep for 8-10 hours at room temp.

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