Yesterday, 6.10.08, marked Anna's two month birthday. And, as if she had read the "Your baby is now two months old!" email from, she started cooing (and hasn't stopped -- clearly my child).

Weighing in at 12 pounds 15 ounces, Anna has gained an astounding 6 pounds in the last two months!

Sadly for her, our visit to the pediatrician's office on Friday means six new vaccines for my poor baby. And because of a scheduling snafu, Lily has to come with me. And Noah can't. I'm certain she'll be scarred for life and will absolutely refuse to ever go back. Bad news considering this is her doctor's office too. Perhaps I'll blindfold her. And me. It actually makes me sick to my stomach to think about my sweet little baby getting pricked that many times. I'm not normally squeamish, but this one is killing me already. Is 8:45 in the morning too early to start drinking? It's 5 o'clock somewhere, right?!?
We celebrated Anna's two month "birthday" by going to Lily's dance recital at the Huck. All for naught. She ended up being the only child there NOT to dance...but rather sulked on her teacher Ms. Rose's lap. Pathetic!

What was even more pathetic (although it takes one to know one) was the number of parents who FILMED this dance recital (actually, calling it a recital is a pretty big stretch...more like kids wiggling around in front of us). Can you count the number of camcorders in this section of the audience (hint: six -- can you find them all?). The only reason why we weren't among them was, well, because our daughter was hiding in the corner. Dance well spent.

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