The temperature gauge in my car, which was sitting in the SHADE!
As tormented as I was about it, we decided at the 11th hour not to participate in this year's Race for the Cure yesterday. Fleishman had a team organized to celebrate an amazing colleague's battle with cancer. I emailed a co-worker to let him know we wouldn't be showing up. The email I got back, after the race, read "Did the race. It was Africa hot. An ordeal." In retrospect, I think we made the right decision.
Name of the game this weekend was trying to stay cool. We took lots of baths. Inflated the pool in the front yard and played with the neighborhood kiddos. We went to my mom's this morning for a swim (went from heat stroke to freezing -- YIKES! her pool is cold). We took nice naps. And I ate more of my fair share of gelato and sorbetto. ;-) I told myself that the calories didn't count because of Anna's uptick in nursing of late. And certainly calories can't count when the thermostat tops 100. Please don't burst my bubble.
Forecast for tomorrow is more of the same....

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