One of the special gifts in life, I think, are friends who "knew you when." Friends who remember when you sucked your thumb, or lost your first tooth, or peed on the floor by accident.
While Noah teases me that I stole his MBA buddies, Meera, Lisa and I were all pregnant at the same time back in 2004, and that's a bond thicker than even GWU grad school presentations and finals. I'll never forget Sonia and Graham's birthdays. How could I?!? Sweet Sonia was born September 3rd, Lily was born November 2nd, and darling Graham was born December 1st. I was lucky enough to have a built in mom's group during my maternity leave with Lily, and the three moms with our three babies met regularly for coffee, pancakes (hooray for the Original Pancake House!), lunches and dinners.

Lily (2 months), Graham (1 month), Sonia (4 months)
We all graduated from infant carriers to high chairs together, and soon the kids were teething, talking and potty training...and we were simply trying to keep up with them.

The tushies belong to, in order of appearance, Sonia, Graham and Lily
Graham was the first to gain a sibling; Grace joined the group in August 2006. Kiran, AKA Kiki, came on to the scene in January 2007 making Sonia a proud big sister. And now, of course, Lily has Anna, thus rounding out our gaggle of kids.

The original trio -- I cannot believe how big they've gotten! Gracie...

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